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LocalStorage but falls back if not supported to SessionStorage


storage: 1

supported: false

Check the value in the dev tools: `__vue_storage_example`

Sync supported: true

Enable tab sync?

<script setup lang="ts">
import { useLocalStorage, useStorage } from '@elonehoo/pistachio'
import { ref, watch } from 'vue'

const key = '__vue_storage_example'
const tabSync = ref(false)
const supportedSync = ref(true)

const { supported, storage, setSync, remove } = useStorage(key, 1)

watch(tabSync, (s) => {
  if (setSync(s) === false)
    supportedSync.value = false

    storage: {{ storage }}
      <b :class="{ green: supported, red: !supported }">{{ supported }}</b>
      <b>Check the value in the dev tools: `{{ key }}`</b>
    <label for="storage">
      <input v-model="storage" name="storage">

      <p>Sync supported: {{ supportedSync }}</p>
      <p>Enable tab sync? <input v-model="tabSync" type="checkbox"></p>
      <p v-if="tabSync">
        Now this tab is listening for changes, please change the storage value
        in other tab
      <button @click="remove">

.red {
  color: red;
.green {
  color: green;
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useLocalStorage, useStorage } from '@elonehoo/pistachio'
import { ref, watch } from 'vue'

const key = '__vue_storage_example'
const tabSync = ref(false)
const supportedSync = ref(true)

const { supported, storage, setSync, remove } = useStorage(key, 1)

watch(tabSync, (s) => {
  if (setSync(s) === false)
    supportedSync.value = false

    storage: {{ storage }}
      <b :class="{ green: supported, red: !supported }">{{ supported }}</b>
      <b>Check the value in the dev tools: `{{ key }}`</b>
    <label for="storage">
      <input v-model="storage" name="storage">

      <p>Sync supported: {{ supportedSync }}</p>
      <p>Enable tab sync? <input v-model="tabSync" type="checkbox"></p>
      <p v-if="tabSync">
        Now this tab is listening for changes, please change the storage value
        in other tab
      <button @click="remove">

.red {
  color: red;
.green {
  color: green;

Released under the MIT License.